Monday, March 12, 2018

Review with Oriental Whipsnake by Rayshawn

Q: Hey, you there!
A: Me?
Q: Yes you. With your green/yellowish skin, thin body, and spear shaped head, you must be a Oriental Whipsnake!
A: Of coursssssssssssse I am! What did you think I wassssssssssssssssss?
Q: I thought that you might be the Malayan Green Whip Snake or something.
A: Well, I’m not, ssssssssssssssssso their. I’m asssssssssssssssuming you have questionsssssssss about me or you wouldn’t be wasssssssssssting your time on me.
‘’”’’””””’”””””””’”””””’”’””””’””’Q: Yeah, so first question, what is your scientific name?
A: My sssssssssssscientific name is Ahaetulla Prasina, though I have no idea why I am one of the Ahaetulla genus, meaning known as vine ssssssssssssnakes or whip ssssssssssssssssssnakes.
Q: I have heard that Ahaetulla snakes are called ‘rear fanged’ what does this mean and how does it apply to you?
A: Being rear fanged meanssssssssssss that my venomoussssssssssssss teeth are on the upper jaw, not in the front like mossssssssssssssssst ssssssssssssssnakes.
Q: Okay, so, do Oriental Whip Snakes have any qualities that you might people might find interesting?
A: Well, whenever I am being molesssssssssssssssssssssssted, or attacked, I feel a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very veryvery very very powerful urge to ssssssssssssstick my tongue out.
Q: Uh huh, anything else that seems potentially interesting?
A: (sadly) Well, my speciessssssss doessssssssss not do well in captivity. One time, one of my brother approached one of your kind, they took him to a zoo, and he ended up dead a week later
Q: (sadly) well that’s sad, but I have one thing to say to you.
A: (cheering up) Well, that did make me feel better, but hissssssssssss death wasssssssssssss fine by me. He wassssssssssssssssss a sssssssssssssssspoiled brat, but he wasssssssssssss my only friend.
Q: Oh well, got anything else before I go?
A: Well I eat frogssssssssssssss, sssssssmall birdsssssssssssss, ssssssmall lizardssssss.
Q:Anything else?
A: I can alsssssssssssssso expand my neck to twice my sssssssssize to sssssssssssscare away predators.
Q: Interesting, what else?
A: Well I have an gestation period of 6 months.


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