Monday, March 12, 2018

Orville Wright by Cav

Did you know that the Wright brothers invented aircraft. They had a lot of troubles and failures before they invented airplanes. And they became a success. This is how it all started.

It all started out when Orville was born in 1871. He was the younger sibling his older sibling was Wilbur. Orville was more concerned with building than learning. Orville got in trouble in school for building paper airplanes. Orville and Wilbur's mom got very sick and she died in 1899.
In 1892 there was a bike boom in the US. In 1900 They had a bike business and more bikes were coming out. Their business was booming. The brothers rode through the country and joined bike clubs. They also raced and Orville won bike races. They had a lot of customers in their bike shop. 

Learning About Aircraft
In 1896 the Wright brothers became very interested in aircraft when their dad brought home a toy helicopter. They studied and they wondered if they could fly, too. In 1899 the brothers built a full sized kite. It was their first attempt to fly. In 1901 the brothers made a full size glyder and it was their biggest one yet. In 1902 the brothers made their kite into a glyder. In 1904 the brothers thought that they needed there glyder to go in the air more.

Discovered Flight
In 1900 the brothers spent a whole year building a glyder. The brothers needed a place to test their aircraft creations. They decided on Kitty Hawk, NC because of it's hill, the wind that would be blowing, and there wouldn't be anyone there. The brothers returned back to Kitty Hawk, NC to test their new glyder. The brothers crashed this glyder. In 1902 the brothers made a new glyder and it crashed. Then later the brothers figured out the key to aircraft. it was balance. So the brothers made the tail into a runner. Orville became really sick with Typhoid. Everyday he would slowly feel better day by day and soon he was better. Dec 17 of 1930, was the brothers flight day. They flew a glyder and it was a success. They were ready to add power. They returned back to Kitty Hawk and tested there airplane. They did a coin toss and Wilbur won. He flew the airplane and crashed it.

Then, they fixed the airplane and it was their first successful flight. Next, they returned to Kitty Hawk and it was Orville's turn to fly the airplane. Then, with Orville at the controls they were flying. In 1904 at 600 feet in the air the plane was flying. It flew for 42 miles and Orville had to land it because it ran out of gas. They were so happy. They wanted people to buy their airplanes but no one would buy them. Then one day the army got interested. The army bought the airplanes and used them and the brothers improved the safety of the plans for the army.

Older life
The brothers were world heroes. In 1948 Orville died as a hero.
The brothers in the end did a great job inventing the airplane. The invention aircraft was amazing hope you enjoy aircraft.

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