Monday, March 12, 2018

Interview with a Pebble toad by Alex P.

________=Don’t read
A=Pebble toad
<Pebble toad rolls down hill>
Q:(Bending down ) Hey! Are you some kind of frog?
A: I’m not a frog! What are you, blind? I’m a toad! Oreophrynella Nigra to be exact!
Q:(Looking confused) Oreo-what?
A:Oreophrynella Nigra, or, as you U.S people call me, a Pebble Toad.
Q:I remember reading about you! You guys are the ones that can curl up into a ball and roll away, right?
A:(Taken aback) What? No! Where did you hear a stupid thing like that? We tense up our muscles and roll away! Jeez, humans!
Q:aren’t they basically the same thing?
A:In your world, but not here! Up here in the Guiana Highlands of South America, it’s every creature for itself, which means you have to play by any means necessary...even if it means bending the laws of nature!
Q:(Changing the subject) Do you have any other ways to “bend the laws of nature?”
A:Well...No, unless you count camouflage.
Q:Do you have any major predators?
A:Okay big guy! Numero uno: I’m a 16½ millimeter toad! Number two: food up here is as scarce as a good president down in the United States. Which means if you want food, you’ll have some fierce competition. I’m talking Tarantulas, big ones, too! And Number 3: I’m a Toad!
Q:Ah… Can I ask you something? It’s okay if you don’t answer.
Q:Okay, how many eggs do you lay? And also, how many of you are there left?
A:Alright, first of all, I don’t lay the eggs. I’m a male, and currently single! Next, females can lay up to 103 eggs, and last, we aren’t currently endangered, but there really isn't an abundance of us out here.
Q:<Looks at imaginary watch> Oh No! I’m gonna be late! But before I leave can I ask one little thing?
Q:Can you do that rolling thing again?
A:It goes against my instinct, but what the heck?
<Pebble toad rolls away>
Q: Well, Bye!
<Reporter walks away>


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