“But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.” Pocahontas said. She believed that every living thing was equal, no matter how they looked, how they spoke, and where they came from. Pocahontas kept peace for many lives. How? “Listen to your heart, you will understand.” Is what Pocahontas said.
*Pocahontas’s Childhood:
Pocahontas was a young, beautiful little girl. She was born in Virginia during 1595. Her father, Wahunsonockwas, was leader of the Powhatan Indians. He was later on renamed Powhatan after the settlement where he was born. The Powhatan Indians had 14,000 to 15,000 people! They lived in Virginia Chesapeake Bay since 1600.
Pocahontas also went by the names Matoaka and Amonute. Although, Pocahontas means “playful one,” which fits her perfectly. She loved to make necklaces and bracelets. The Powhatans made these out of seashells. Pocahontas also had the whole Virginia jungle as her playground. Every once in a while, there was a Grizzly Bear, but otherwise, the jungle is safe! She loved to greet people in the morning with a cheerful smile. Pocahontas seemed to make your frown turn upside down whenever she comes into your sight.
The Powhatan Indians spoke in a language called Algonkian. This language was widespread!
Powhatan was married to many, many women, so historians do not know exactly who Pocahontas’s mother was because of this. Pocahontas had 10 sisters and 20 or 21 brothers!
*When/After English Settlers Came to Virginia:
Powhatan was outraged! 104 English Settlers were making camp in Powhatan territory, creating a town called Jamestown in fact.Pocahontas was only 11 or 12 years old at this time. She was eager to see these white man. The captain, John Smith, wanted to explore this land. Although, Powhatan had sent out indians to scout their territory, and find more information about these white men. John Smith led a group of men into the forest to see what this new land brought, and that was the first time the Powhatans met, face to face.
John Smith bumped into a group of indians. John Smith and his men held up their guns, as the Powhatans held up their bows and arrows. The English men were no match for the Powhatans. The Powhatans killed every single men, except for Smith. Some Historians think that they didn’t kill Smith is because Smith grabbed a Powhatan Warrior right before he was about to be killed, and walked away slowly with the Powhatan warrior, hoping he can escape. Although, Smith fell into a pile of mud.
The Powhatan Indians ran around Smith to block his getaway. I believe that the Powhatans took Smith back to camp because they saw how skilled he was and thought he was a threat. The Powhatans brought Smith back to their camp, for questioning. Smith would not speak unless it ment life or death. Powhatan ordered to keep him prisoner until he was no use anymore. Because of this, the Powhatans kept Smith captive for weeks. Powhatan would not let Pocahontas see Smith. Although, Pocahontas did hear Smith in conversations every once in awhile around her village. Sometimes Powhatan Warriors she passed by would talk about him.
Powhatan was furious because it has been weeks and Smith would not tell him what he wanted. Because of this, Powhatan called Smith guilty and sentenced to death. Around midday, the Powhatans brought Smith out of the tent he was kept in as prisoner, and placed his body on stone. Powhatan stood beside him, and raised his club. Smith closed his eyes, but felt something touch his back. He looked behind him and found Pocahontas shielding his body with her own. Powhatan pulled his daughter aside for reasoning.
Powhatan told Pocahontas that Smith was a white man. Pocahontas told him that just because he is white didn't mean that he is different. They had to argue for a while, for Pocahontas wasn't going to give up, not this time. Nor was her father. But, Pocahontas won. Powhatan ordered a couple of Powhatan indians to take Smith back to the tent he was held prisoner in, but not tied up. Smith wanted to thank Pocahontas, but the Powhatan Indians did not let Smith get near her again.
Later that day, Powhatan came into the tent Smith was in covered in black paint, so were a few indians behind him. Powhatan told Smith to kneel down. Smith did so. Powhatan chanted a few words, then told Smith to rise. Smith was now Powhatan’s son. Smith had a chance to see Pocahontas every once in awhile, but only had enough time to say hello. The English and Powhatans did not get along well, but Pocahontas kept the peace whenever there was an argument. Later on, Smith got in a accident with gun powder and had to be taken to England for a doctor. This was the Last time Pocahontas may ever see him.
Around the end of that year, 1607, Settlers were facing starvation. They begged Powhatan for food, but he said no. The population was growing at Jamestown. Because of this, Powhatan told his fellow indian that if they saw any English men out of Jamestown, kill them. One time the English sent 30 to hunt for food, but they never came back. Eventually, the remaining people left Jamestown to find more food.
An Englishman named captain Argall, Captain of a ship called the Treasure, had a “marvelous” plan! He thought if he could Kidnap Pocahontas, Powhatan would surely do anything to get Pocahontas back, even if it meant giving food to him and his prisoners back to Argall.
Powhatan was outraged! 104 English Settlers were making camp in Powhatan territory, creating a town called Jamestown in fact.Pocahontas was only 11 or 12 years old at this time. She was eager to see these white man. The captain, John Smith, wanted to explore this land. Although, Powhatan had sent out indians to scout their territory, and find more information about these white men. John Smith led a group of men into the forest to see what this new land brought, and that was the first time the Powhatans met, face to face.
John Smith bumped into a group of indians. John Smith and his men held up their guns, as the Powhatans held up their bows and arrows. The English men were no match for the Powhatans. The Powhatans killed every single men, except for Smith. Some Historians think that they didn’t kill Smith is because Smith grabbed a Powhatan Warrior right before he was about to be killed, and walked away slowly with the Powhatan warrior, hoping he can escape. Although, Smith fell into a pile of mud.
The Powhatan Indians ran around Smith to block his getaway. I believe that the Powhatans took Smith back to camp because they saw how skilled he was and thought he was a threat. The Powhatans brought Smith back to their camp, for questioning. Smith would not speak unless it ment life or death. Powhatan ordered to keep him prisoner until he was no use anymore. Because of this, the Powhatans kept Smith captive for weeks. Powhatan would not let Pocahontas see Smith. Although, Pocahontas did hear Smith in conversations every once in awhile around her village. Sometimes Powhatan Warriors she passed by would talk about him.
Powhatan was furious because it has been weeks and Smith would not tell him what he wanted. Because of this, Powhatan called Smith guilty and sentenced to death. Around midday, the Powhatans brought Smith out of the tent he was kept in as prisoner, and placed his body on stone. Powhatan stood beside him, and raised his club. Smith closed his eyes, but felt something touch his back. He looked behind him and found Pocahontas shielding his body with her own. Powhatan pulled his daughter aside for reasoning.
Powhatan told Pocahontas that Smith was a white man. Pocahontas told him that just because he is white didn't mean that he is different. They had to argue for a while, for Pocahontas wasn't going to give up, not this time. Nor was her father. But, Pocahontas won. Powhatan ordered a couple of Powhatan indians to take Smith back to the tent he was held prisoner in, but not tied up. Smith wanted to thank Pocahontas, but the Powhatan Indians did not let Smith get near her again.
Later that day, Powhatan came into the tent Smith was in covered in black paint, so were a few indians behind him. Powhatan told Smith to kneel down. Smith did so. Powhatan chanted a few words, then told Smith to rise. Smith was now Powhatan’s son. Smith had a chance to see Pocahontas every once in awhile, but only had enough time to say hello. The English and Powhatans did not get along well, but Pocahontas kept the peace whenever there was an argument. Later on, Smith got in a accident with gun powder and had to be taken to England for a doctor. This was the Last time Pocahontas may ever see him.
Around the end of that year, 1607, Settlers were facing starvation. They begged Powhatan for food, but he said no. The population was growing at Jamestown. Because of this, Powhatan told his fellow indian that if they saw any English men out of Jamestown, kill them. One time the English sent 30 to hunt for food, but they never came back. Eventually, the remaining people left Jamestown to find more food.
An Englishman named captain Argall, Captain of a ship called the Treasure, had a “marvelous” plan! He thought if he could Kidnap Pocahontas, Powhatan would surely do anything to get Pocahontas back, even if it meant giving food to him and his prisoners back to Argall.
*When/After Pocahontas was Kidnapped:
Pocahontas was kidnaped in 1613. Pocahontas was 17 years old and Married to an Powhatan Warrior named Kocoum. She didn’t hang out with him any more, is what Argall herd. He had a friend in another tribe nearby, though, that could help him Kidnap Pocahontas. Argall asked him to help him, but he refused the offer at first. Although, Argall said that he would trade medal plates or bowls for some corn. He agreed to this, since the Indians didn’t have anything that wasn’t fire proof to make soup.
The Potomac indian found Pocahontas in the Potomac Village. He told Pocahontas that there was a ship near Jamestown and his wife wanted to meet Pocahontas on it. Pocahontas didn't hesitate. She said yes since she hadn’t been around Jamestown for so long. They went to the ship and Argall welcomed Pocahontas. He told her to eat and then take a nap, and so she did. When she woke up, something did not feel right. She went to the doc and found the Potomac indian with his wife. Pocahontas asked if she could get off the ship, but he shook his head as Argall approached and told Pocahontas that she was being held hostage until Powhatan gave Argall a boat full of corn, all their weapons that they had stolen, and the 7 men they captured. Even though Pocahontas was prisoner, she was treated fairly well. Argall gave Pocahontas the best room on the ship, except for the best best room, which was the captain's room. Soon enough, Argall sent a messenger to Powhatan saying that he had kidnapped his duaghter Pocahontas and that he would give her back if POwhatan gave him a boat full of corn, all their guns and other weapons that the Powhatan indians had stolen, and the 7 English men they captured.
Argall gave Pocahontas to another Englishman, Dale. Dale was given the same orders. Later on, Powhatan sent a boat full of corn, along with the seven English men. But no weapons. Pocahontas was confident that her father would do anything to get her back, but no word came. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, Weeks turned into months. Pocahontas had a feeling that she was going to stay there for awhile, so she might as well get comfortable.
Pocahontas’s Visit to England:
Pocahontas soon admitted to Christianity and was given a Christianity name, Rebecca. Pocahontas was shown the Christian way as well. She was taught how to speak English. She was a fast learner, too. Although, she did not like fashion at first, but eventually got use to it. John Rolfe, another English settler in Jamestown had been watching Pocahontas and had fell in love with her. He asked Dale permission to marry Pocahontas and he agreed, hoping that this would bring peace between the English and Powhatans. He asked Powhatan permission too, and he also said yes, hoping for the same thing. When Rolfe proposed to her, Pocahontas said yes! The wedding took place at the Jamestown church during June 1614.
In 1616, the Virginia Company invited Pocahontas to England. Pocahontas said yes and brought some of her sisters, her brother in law Tomocomo, and Rolfe. Powhatan had sent Tomocomo with a stick to mark how many humans were in England. When they got there, Tomocomo started to count, but got confused in the first 15 seconds, and tossed the stick aside. When he got back, he said how it was like the sand by the shore, the leaves on all the trees in the jungle, and the stars in the sky.
Rebecca (Pocahontas) was brought to the King and Queen of England, King James and Queen Anne. Pocahontas was also treated like a princess. But, later on, she started to feel sick. John Rolfe thought it was because of the crowded city, so he brought her to a more cleaner wider jungle like place near the shore of England. Pocahontas felt better.
Later, Smith came to Pocahontas to surprise her. Pocahontas was stunned. She told him that she was told that he was dead. Smith shook his head as they talked some more, catching up on what they had missed. Smith left, saying goodbye to Pocahontas, and she never saw him again. After that, Pocahontas got worse. She started to cough and have a hard time breathing. Historians think that Pocahontas had got Tuberculosis, a lung disease mostly caused by the smoke in the air, which was very common in England.
Rolfe, Tomocomo, and Pocahontas's sisters boarded the ship with a two year old boy, named Thomas Rolfe, Pocahontas son. They sailed to a place with a doctor, but this time, Pocahontas, Thomas, Tomocomo, and Pocahontas’s sisters had caught the disease as well. By the time they got Pocahontas to a doctor, it was too late. Right before Pocahontas died, though, she said, “All men must die,” trying to calm Rolfe down and pointed to her 2 year old son, Thomas. “Tis enough that childe liveth.” She died in England Gravesend 1617, at the age of 22.
To this day, thousands of people look up to Pocahontas as a hero. She kept peace for many. “Sing with all the voices of the mountain, paint with all the colors of the wind.” She would say. Pocahontas believed that just one life, can make a difference, no matter who you were and that everyone is equal, White or not.
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