Monday, March 12, 2018

Jane Goodall by Olivia

Chimpanzees, they live almost exactly like us using tools,eating,sleeping, and taking care of their young . But we didn’t know that until one scientist proved us wrong. Her name is Jane Goodall and she has been doing this almost all of her life.

Jane Valerie Goodall was born to Mortimer Goodall and Margaret Joseph as their first and eldest child in London England on April 13,1934 . As a child she loved to go outside and play around observing the wildlife around her home. One time when she was about 4 she was curious on how hens laid eggs. So what Goodall did was she climbed into the hen house and waited until one came and laid an egg. She waited for five hours in that little hen house waiting patiently for a hen.She didn't get into trouble but her mom listened to the interesting things she found out .This when she started her love of animals.
When she was about the same age she got a little sister on her birthday. Her name was Judy Goodall and she was born on April 13,1938.As she got older and older and her love of animals grew and her curiosity grew .She wanted to do more than her backyard. So when she was 12 she started the alligator club a nature club for her and her friends.They went on hikes looking for animals and going outdoors to have fun and keep on looking for animals.
Her Start on Chimps
Jane Goodall was first started working on the campsite in 1960 when she met and befriended Louis Leakey on a trip to visit her friend Clo Mange. Louis Leakey asked Goodall if she would like to go to the Gombe Reserve in Tanzania to study chimps for a year. Goodall didn’t pass up the chance so she agreed to stay there and study chimps.When Goodall was first there she was unsuccessful. She would make to much noise and she wouldn’t be able to get as close as 500 yards to them.She soon then learned that patience was key to getting close to chimps and eventually she did.
She followed a chimp which she named David Greybeard because of it's little goate of hair on it's chin.She was noticing that Graybeard was doing something interesting.He took a long blade of grass and stuck it in an anthill to attract all the ants to eat them. Before this was known people thought Humans were the only known species to make and use tools .This was one of her first major discoveries . Another discovery Goodall made while she was on the chimp site was people always thought that chimps didn’t eat other animals and only ate termites, small bugs,and fruit.Goodall proved that wrong when she noticed a group of chimps feeding on something. She climbed a little closer and saw that it was a baby boar. Goodall wanted to photograph the chimps but she didn't bring a camera or knew how to use one and she was scared the chimps might not trust someone coming with her into the jungle. Jane tried bringing her sister because they looked alike. They didn’t mind but Jane sister but she was not able to get good photos of the chimps they were all blurry. That is when Goodall met Hugo van Lawick. The didn’t mind Lawick so they were able to get good photos for a magazine.

But she was sad when she heard that she was about to go home her year was up but, when National Geographic heard about what she was doing they thought it was amazing so they sponsored her so that she could stay another year. During her second year bad stuff was happening with the chimps.Like how they were fighting and killing each other and killing the population of chimps. Goodall was thinking what to do about this. That is when she thought of Roots & Shoots. She started Roots and Shoots in 1991 to show kids that the amazingness of chimps. But how much danger they were in and how they can and other people can help chimps. She also learned that chimps will act like humans they have to take care of kids. She was following a chimp she had a baby and she was recording how they took care of the baby. She was amazed on how they were almost exactly like humans

Adulthood & Accomplishments
Jane Goodall's adulthood is a pretty typical but let me tell you some things about her adulthood. Goodall fell in love with Lawick and Lawick fell in love with Goodall while they were on the chimpsite. So on March 28,1964 she and Lawick were officially married. But Lawick and Goodall had a son on March 4, 1967 and named it Hugo van Eric Louis Lawick.

Jane Goodall’s first accomplishment was her being able to write an article in a magazine. It was for National Geographic and it was called”My Life among Wild Chimpanzees”. It was an honor for her because she had been writing about her findings, and her days with the chimps that she wanted to share them with the world . Her next accomplishment was getting a Gold Medal of Conservation from the San Diego Zoology study. After that she had a visiting professorship where she taught Zoology at Stanford for five years.She earned two more awards in 1980’s like the J. Paul Getty WIldlife Conservation Prize and the National Geographic Society Award in 1988.

Through roughin it with Chimpanzees and dealing with lots of wildlife around her Jane Goodall made a big discovery that changed the way mankind saw Chimpanzees. Do you think you would be able to rough it and study an animal of your choice?

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