Monday, March 12, 2018

Rachel Carson by Abyy

DDT,which is a poison/pesticide harms the environment and animals, insects, and even human life! She made the world better. She loved to write, she wrote 2 books, one is called Silent Spring and The Sea Around Us. Rachel Carson also was a science writer.

Rachel Carson was born on May 27,1907 in Springdale,Pennsylvania. Before attending first grade Carson had Scarlet Fever. Carson has a sister named Marian, and Marian was ill with diabetes. Carson’s family owned 65-acre farm set on a hill just outside Springdale that look over the Allegheny River.
Carson’s family had a lack of money, so Carson had to get a full-time job. She got offered a part-time job writing and knew science by writing their radio scripts, but Carson didn’t take the job because she needed a full-time job not a part-time job.She graduated from Pennsylvania College for women in 1929.

Carson received a master's degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1932. In 1935, Mr.Carson unexpectedly of a HEART ATTACK!Carson began 15 year career in federal service as a scientist and editor in 1936, and rose to become Editor-In-Chief of all publications for U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.Since Carson’s sister is ill with diabetes; in the early 1937, Marian suddenly died of PNEUMONIA!
All that was left in her family was Carson and her mom and Marian’s 2 young children, Carson and her mom agreed to take care of the 2 young daughters.
Carson warned that DDT is bad for the environment and to humans, insects and animals. People spray DDT to kill insects because people sprayed DDT in their house, Child’s room, their room, so the insects don’t get anyone in their house sick. DDT means Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, DDT is a toxic to humans and animals, if taken by mouth.Carson warned that pesticides poison the food supply of animals, and killing many birds and fish, and human food supplies. Soon John F. Kennedy had banned DDT in the United States because he realized what DDT does to the environment and animals, and even humans!

Not only insects life were in danger, but also humans life is in danger, and so is animals. Pesticides were being sprayed without people’s permission.People spray DDT and other chemicals without thinking or caring about the terrible damage its to life and animals, they were also inflicting on other forms of life and the environment.

Carson began 15 year career in federal service as a scientist and editor in 1936. More than 250,000 copies of Silent Spring had sold in the first 4 months after its release. Also, 600,000 copies sold in the first year.

She was now a full-time member of Mr. Higgins staff. Her work would be primarily as a science writer. Mr. Higgins read Carson’s article and told her she should write an entire book about life in the sea. Carson decide to write about the sea, she loved writing and the sea so Mr.Higgins told her be a science writer. Mr.Higgins read Carson’s article and told her she should write an entire book about life in the sea. 

In 1952 she published her prize winning study of the ocean. One is The Sea Around Us, which was followed by The Edge of the Sea in 1955.
Carson was a American marine biologist, and a science writer. She wrote many books that reflect her lifelong interest in the life of the seas and the seashore. So, Carson went to get a check up or to see if anything is wrong with her, but the doctor didn’t tell her the truth about what's wrong with her. She had found out a week later that she has BREAST CANCER!

Thousands of Americans gathered around their TV and waited to see a CBS News special program titled,’’The Silent Spring by Rachel Carson.’’ Immediately following the publication of Silent Spring, and industry leaders claimed that Miss Carson’s research and information were inaccurate. They say that she is causing trouble over nothing. But Carson didn’t give up, she proved that she wasn’t making a big deal over nothing.

Carson was ill during the tape of the her program on the news. She was ill for four years during when she wrote Silent Spring, but that didn’t stop her from doing her passion. Television allowed her to share her message with millions of people, Americans needed to know the truth. During the program people across the country were concerned about Miss Carson’s message she gave to the world.

‘’We still talk in terms of conquest. We haven’t become mature enough to think of ourselves as only a tiny part of a vast and incredible universe. Man’s attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature. But man is part of nature and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.’’ Quote for Miss Carson speaking at the end of her television interview in 1963.

She wrote pamphlets on conservations and natural resources and edited scientific articles. In Carson’s lifetime she had died April 14, 1964 in Silver Spring, Maryland because of breast cancer.

We can see what Rachel Carson did about DDT. Lets just say that she never gave up on anything she really did. She kept on going. When people were saying that she was causing over nothing, soon later she proved them wrong. What do you think about Rachel Carson?

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