P:Hey! Watch the feathers!
R:sorry. But you can’t just stand in the middle of the path like that with your feathers spread open as wide as possible. Why don’t you just go back with all your other chickens?(nods toward peahens)
P: EXCUSE ME?! CHICKENS?! First of all, I am obviously a rare and beautiful peacock. And for your information, those are the female peacocks. The’re called peahens.
R: so if your not a chicken, does that mean you don’t lay eggs?
P: no, silly! Of course we lay eggs! We’re birds too.
R:oh, sorry. Do you mind answering a few questions?
P: well, it depends. What are they about?
R: you
P:(smugly)well, then I would be glad to.
R: what are your tail feathers for?
P: well, mostly they're for attracting mates,(winks at peahens) but they also make me look bigger when a predator comes too close.
R: they do look a bit scary because of those eye-shaped designs at the tip. By the way, if you and the female peacocks have two different names, don’t you have a name that refers to both genders?
P: in fact, we do, although I don’t like it very much.
R: well, could you tell me?
P: oh, right! We are called…... peafowls (says with disgusted look on face
R: well, it’s not that bad. I figured that you live in India. So why are we here in Asia?
P: well, we are native to India’s forests and grasslands, but we can also live here, too.
R: so, what if the animal’s really big, or doesn’t care how big you are? Then how do you escape?
P: well, then we fly away.
R: wow! I had no idea! Only for a little bit though, right?
P:actually, we can fly just as well as any seagull or parrot. We’re one of the biggest birds known to fly.
R: one more thing, what do you eat?
P: oh, the usual, just insects and larva.
R: well, that’s all my questions. Nice meeting you
P: you t- LION!!!(flies away)
R: wait! Don’t leave me!!(grabs on to tail)
P: your too heavy!!(shakes reporter off)
(Reporter runs away screaming)
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