Monday, October 16, 2017

THE RESCUE by Sophia

by Sophia

COME ON GUYS! We are going to be late for the family hiking trip.  Sophia go back to sleep it is only 5…. , it's 9:00!  Sophia why didn't wake us up earlier!  I didn’t know it was 9:00 eather mom!  Get up,get up mom yelled! I thought I set the alarm for 6:00 in the morning but no instead I woke up at 9:00 in the morning when will I ever get anything right, mom said.  You can to get stuff right!  Come on everyone time to get up and drest, Sophia…. You, you are all ready drest Did you brush your teeth?  Yes mom I brush my teeth.
Mom I am going outside. Ok, stay close.  Take Fred and Dakota with you.  
Eart, stop the story hold on stop, fred and Dakota are my incredibly cute dogs.  Fred is an australian shepherd and Dakota is a nofendland. Anyway Fred and Dakota are coming with me outside with me.  Ok, now on with the story.  Fred come back here, Fred come.  Fred what do you smell. I will just follow you to find out. Mh,mh,mh,mh,mh,mh,  Why did you take me to this log fred.
The log is big and burnt it had sticks wedged into the log.  It had huge holes in it.
Ruff!  Ruff!  Ruff!
Dacota go find out what fred is barking at.
Wolf!  Wolf!
Dakota you stop barking to!
Oh, god you are barking at a baby bunny!  Fred, Dakota you two get away from that baby bunny right now!  Get out of there bunny! God I am talking to a bunny it can’t understand me.  I am so stupid. Dakota, Fred stop!  Get away from that baby bunny.
I need to get that bunny out of there.
I know I can use my hat.
      I will put my hand behind the bunny and the hat in front of the bunny.  
Gotch ya!  
Sophia what are you doing out here. I saved a baby bunny from Fred and Dacota!  That’s why the dogs were barking, said mom.  Yes, that’s why they were barking.  How good you saved the baby bunny. You should let it go now.
No, because then Fred and Dakota will get it. I know that but I will holed Fred and Dacota back while you do it. No fred and dakota are too strong for you to hold back mom.  Mom I think you should just put fred and dakota in the camper. Ya I do think that would be a better idea than me holding them back. I will be right back sophia.  TELL ME WHEN THE DOGS ARE IN THE CAMPER MOM! OK I WILL! THEY ARE IN THE CAMPER NAW SOPHIA! K, I am back sophia naw you can let the baby bunny out of…...what, what did you put that baby bunny in sophia? My hat! What you put it in your hat! Yes? Ok you can let the baby bunny GO NAW SOPHIA!

In the end every one,evan the bunny had the best day ever! Well for one i had the best day ever!

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