By: Sammy
“Do we have to go in?” I asked my mom as we pulled up in the parking lot of the orthodontics. I looked in the window of the building from the car. Inside there was a lady at the front counter checking people in. I already dreaded being one of those people.
“Of course, we do It's not like your teeth are going to fix themselves.”My mom said, opening the car door. I opened my door and stepped on the hot, black cement heated by the warm autumn sun. I wanted to stay there, sitting there on the steppes on the orthodontics, letting the sun fill my body with warmth, But I knew that I had to go inside. I dragged myself up the stairs and into the building. We checked in with the lady at the front counter and I walked slowly over to the waiting area and plopped myself into a seat.
“Why did I agree to come here,” I thought to myself. I would much rather be playing outside with my friends having a blast but instead I had To come here To do the exact opposite.
It felt we were waiting so long it felt like the same amount of time it would take to stand in line to get Taylor swift's autograph. I heard a voice call out “Samantha!” I looked over my left shoulder and I saw a short women with big brown eyes looking around the room for a patient who went by Samantha
“That’s you!” my mom told me, pushing me forward so I could walk toured her. My mom and I followed her into a little room with two open seats and a desk. On the other side of the desk was a man with a navy blue tie who was holding an object. At first, I thought it was fake teeth fake teeth. Than I realized what it really was. A braces model.
“No,” I thought to myself, “not braces”
“You would have to consider getting braces today than leave them on for 6 months. After you get them off, you would have to wear a permanent retainer and sleep with a removable retainer. After a year you would have to get your braces back on for another two years,” the man said to my mom . I gave my mom a “Please no!” look and then she turned to the man and said,
“ok, let's do that.” I looked at my mom and gave a long sigh. I followed the girl to a machine that she said would take an x-ray of my teeth. The machine looked like a giant arm with one finger holding a popsicle stick looking thing and another finger holding two thick bars around the “popsicle stick.”
The orthodontist said, “Bite down on the stick and hold still, this machine will take your x-ray” I slowly walked over to the machine and I bit down on the stick. Suddenly the bars started to circle around my head. When It was done they took me to go take my picture. “Is it picture day here or something?” I thought to myself. They took my picture to the front the lift to the right, and inside my mouth. “Why are they taking my picture like this, did I get arested, what did I do this time.” I thought to myself.
Finally they lead me into a room with lots of dental seats. “Please lay down .” the orthodontist said in a calm voice. So I layed down and she began to put this sticky stuff on my teeth. I felt a pull. “That was probably just a one time thing” I thought to myself. Than another. “That was probably the last time” then finally I felt a tug! 10 times more painful than the last one. The pain came crawling from my teeth to my upper gum.
“One rubber band on, six more to go.” than I felt more and more tugs and pulls, each one more painful than the last.
When the pain finally stopped, I noticed that there was a weird Metal taste in my mouth. There was also lumped in my teeth that seemed to be cutting my gums open. I looked in the mirror, I looked wired with braces, I thought.
By the time I had gotten to the car, I had realized that it didn’t matter how I looked It matters how I was on the inside.
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