Monday, April 9, 2018

The Story of Age by Olivia

The Story of Age


The sun was coming through the window shining on the almost 14 year old as she was sleeping. She was waking up but didn’t want to. “Mirin It is time to wake up you have to help today in the town for the market” said Handan. Mirin rolled around and around until her mom had to pull her out. “Get dressed I will have some tortilla and corn for you when you get down” said Handan. Mirin was getting dressed still sleepy and washed her face with the cold cold water . “Mirin come down there is a visitor for you” Mirin knew that it was one of the priest ready to plan her adulthood ceremony and all of a sudden woke up and ran into the roomWhen Mirin got in the room she knew exactly who it was and and said good morning to Priest Tades with excitement and was skipping around.

“ Hello Mirin I guess you know the news” said the priest with a little joy in his voice“Yes Priest when are the stars most favorable” still excited said Mirin “ Ah, but the stars are most favorable in the next 5 days” said the priest with joy and left .

“Well Mom we must get started we only have 5 days until my full adulthood , you must teach me as quick as possible” said Mirin. “ Well yes” said Handan . Handan thought “ what should I teach her first? I should teach her to cook and garden first no mending” . In the end Handan decided to teach her mending she taught Mirin how to stitch so it stayed and how to sew fun patterns for just fun. Mirin also learned gardening and got dirt everywhere but still had fun.She learned how to make Maize into tortilla but ground it to much,burnt it,and a lot of thing but learned in the long run

“I think you are ready my sweet girl now you know how to easy stuff but will learn more a lot more”said handan with tears in her eyes. It was only three days till Mirin’s adulthood and for the last three days she had to fast. “ Oh mom I am so excited I don't even notice hunger” said Mirin “Now dear during this ceremony you will have to show everyone you are responsible, you sure you are ready to do it.” said Handan with strictness “Yes mother the ceremony is tomorrow and I must get to sleep”said Mirin tired and falling asleep. Mirin was to excited she couldn’t sleep. But as she was lying there in bed a strange thought occurred to her Mirin thought “wow am I really ready to do this my birthday was 5 days ago I guess I just have to face it”. She fell asleep waiting for the next morning. She woke feeling amazing realizing that she was finally and adult. She went down saw her mom with watery eyes and crying. “Mom it's ok I love you no matter what and will always remember who taught me these things.” said Mirin with happiness.

Her mom stopped and said “We should start to head to the ceremony”. They headed to the to middle of Copan for the ceremony. Mirin was so excited she skipped the whole way. When they got there her whole village was there waiting.Her village knew her since she was little and were “ Mirin daughter of Handan it is my pleasure on one of the most favorable nights that she now fourteen must become an adult.” said Priest Tades in a strict voice“ Yes Priest I pledge to become a full adult and work as hard as I can” said Mirin with joy “ Then it is with my pleasure to make you an adult with the help of your mom ” said Priest Tades . Than her mom grabbed a knife and cut of the string and from now on Mirin was finally an adult.

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