As I walk up to the priest training center I sense my destiny, A very bloody destiny. Anyway, I’m going to learn hieroglyphs, And I know, eye comes before eagle except after sea. I also learn about the eagle and the cactus. I also tried to do a few countings of tributes. I learned every story in the codex and was highly trained in literature.
Now, I go through the ritual of becoming a priest with piercing everywhere, bathe in frigid water, and have a lotion applied that makes me not able to sleep. I go through a few more months of torture, but I live.
Now I’m going to do my first sacrifice. I can hear the drums beating, I’ve held the neck many times before but today I cut the body as I pick up the flint knife I feel pride coming off the victim, I take the knife and dig it into the chest and lift it up to the gods. I put it aside in the bowl and the body falls down the steps.
Later, I try to address the stars for a new village and I find a perfect spot on a riverbed that has everything it could need. So, after that, I ease and drink money. It does grow on trees.
I keep on doing my work for years and one day strange new people came from the sea on floating mountains and rode strange beasts that were large and dangerous.
There had been bad omens and this was what was coming, I suddenly knew we were doomed, they were devils from the gods. Later, disease struck and I got infected with smallpox and a few days later, I died
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