Monday, April 9, 2018

A Change of plans By: DeLorey

A Change of plans By: DeLorey

The horn rang out through the village. As I was only 14, I didn’t know what was going on. But when my mother hurried in with a scared look on her face, it was quite obvious. “You must go. I would hide you, but your father…” her voice trailed off as she nervously glanced behind her. My father was not what I would consider kind to my mother. He wasn’t mean, but he didn’t treat her like an equal. However now was not the time to worry about that. He-who-sees-everything was here to chose one of the wives for the king.

The women of My clan and I waited inside our houses, hurrying to get our best dresses on. Running outside, we saw a man standing in the middle of the road. “LINE UP!” he yelled in a higher voice than I expected, not to mention he was about 5 feet tall. “HURRY UP, OLDEST TO YOUNGEST, I HAVE 8 MORE VILLAGES AFTER THIS!” even though his voice was high, it was probably the loudest I have ever heard. We all stepped forward. “TOO SMALL,” he shouted as he went through the girls standing before him. “TOO UGLY, TOO TALL, NOT TALL ENOUGH…” he went through us until he finally reached me. “HMMM….., YOU WILL DO” he said. I stared at him, shocked about what he had said and when I looked over at my mother, she had tears in her eyes. However my father looked like it was the best day of his life.(probably because of the pride and bragging rites of having his daughter be one of the kings wives) I was lead into the cart alone, and was so tired from all of the adrenaline I fell asleep.

I woke up in a strange room filled with gold carvings of a man I have never seen before along with other women who looked exhausted and sad. there was a loud bang and the daughter be one of the kings wives)same man in the carvings entered the room. He was wearing brilliant gold necklaces and bracelets, all covered in Rubies and turquoise with other beautiful stones and jewels. His robe was a brilliant green that faded into blue with a matching peacock feathered headdress. He was sitting on a throne that was being carried by strong men wearing green tunics. The men carried the throne over to us. The rest of the woman bowed, so I followed their lead. “Change of plans, we don’t have any prisoners left, so were going to have to sacrifice you ” and with a wave of his hand he had left as soon as he came.

The next day I was woken by two women who thrust me off the floor and started dragging me down a corridor with more carvings of the man (who I was informed was the king the night before) and pulled me into a room full of wardrobes. They immediately started pulling Brown pants and brown shirts over my skirts. “ what’s going on?” I mumbled as they started tightening the outfit. But as they were about to answer, it snapped back into my mind. I was being sacrificed today, I thought. The scene from last night made a permanent mark in my mind.

This is probably why my mother even wanted to hide me. Because of the chances of this As these thoughts crossed my mind, I tried to form an escape plan. Perhaps I could run unexpectedly and surprise them enough to give myself a head start, then run down this hallway into that room, then tell the man in the cart to bring me back to my house because the king has rejected me……. Millions of thoughts ran through my head. Eventually I came up with running away right before we started the ceremony.

Here we go, I thought. The last handmaid left the room, and I was alone. Slowly, I tried the handle. It was locked. A wave of panic washed over me. Looking around the room, I saw a spear on one of the king’s carvings. I ran over and pulled it from the statue, then ran back and started hacking at the door. However, this awoke the other women in the room. “Are you trying to escape?” one of them asked. “Yes” I answered. “ do you mind if we come with you?” said the same women. “Okay” I replied. The other ten women immediately grabbed more spears and joined me. Ten minutes later we had made a hole in the door that was big enough to fit through. We crawled through and ran so fast that we arrived in the village one hour later. When my mother saw me out of the hole in the wall we called a window, she had a look of shock on her face that quickly turned to joy.

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