Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Closet Carpet by Luke M

The Closet Carpet by Luke M

If I have learned anything about the worst trip ever, it's that you can usually get something good out of it. Like when I had to sit for 8 hours with an annoying sister on the way to Texas, or sleeping in my grandma’s closet, or even the broken spark plug on the already 8-hour drive home, to make it 9 and a half hours total. Even through all that bad, though, there was always some good in it.

My first example was probably the funniest out of them all. It all started when my sister woke up. We had left early so my sister got carried, still sleeping, into the car. When she first woke up, at about 8 O'Clock, she immediately set into gear.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" she asked nonstop.

"Please stop." My Mom said.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" she asked again.

"Young lady, I told you to stop." My Mom said again, this time more sternly.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" She asked, completely triggering my Mom. This went on for a while.

Eventually,about half an hour later, my mom said, “Luke, can you please get out the duct tape?” I got it from the back of the car and handed it to her. She took a small piece and did something very surprising.

“SLAP!” was the sound of my mom putting the duct tape smack on the middle of her mouth. Then, to top it all off, she made Jadyn, my sister, put her hands behind her back and duct taped them like handcuffs. Even though it started bad, it was extremely funny in the end. Now it wouldn’t be, but I was 5 years old the time and everything that was bad for others was good for me.

When we finally arrived, I saw my cousins, Daniel and Maggie, setting up a tent. That’s when I got a sense for how small the house really was. I went inside and saw that every square inch of the tiny house had something on it. When I looked in one of the rooms, thinking I could sleep in there, it was a closet, so I ignored it and kept looking for a place to sleep. After exploring the whole house, I found no room. It was all taken up, even the garage, which had my cousins tent in it. It was a one floor house with no attic, and was completely filled to the brim. I talked with my mom, and she looked everywhere. “You can sleep in the closet.” my mom said. I slept terribly that night, but at least I knew the whole house by heart,which I would find useful later when we played hide and seek. I dominated every round and never got found.

On the way home, it was going pretty smooth. Then we suddenly felt a huge bump, then rolled slowly to a stop. Steam rolled slowly out of the hood, and when my dad opened the hood, he fell over from the blast of heat and steam coming from the 9 year old Honda Odyssey. When he recovered, he looked in and saw a spark coming from a round piece of metal, which I later learned to be a spark plug. He called a towing company and a few minutes later, it came and pulled us and the car to the nearest car repair shop. After he had dropped off the car, we walked a half mile to the nearest park and played for about an hour. That playground was probably my favorite place of the trip.

In conclusion, even if everything goes wrong, you can still have lots of fun. Even if that fun adds an hour and a half to the 8 hour drive, or if it was only funny because of your age. Either way, it was awesome that I the searched whole house, because now every time I visit, I know where everything is.

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