I was starting to get scared only five feet of the ground when I was in the “x” position making a total fool out of myself. I forced myself to not look down, and keep going up. Lift your leg up onto the foothold, bring your hand up to the next hold. I kept repeating this until I was say maybe fifteen feet up,. That's when my gloryus handhold decided to fall of while I was lifting my two legs to the next footholds. While I was dangling there out of terrified shock I suddenly had a burst of burst of energy and I scrambled to the top as fast as I could sure that something was going to go wrong. But, nothing happend, I made It to the top and slid around the side and hopped onto the platform. As I waited for my partner to make it to the top I silently promised myself never to do this again. After about twenty seconds she was here and we got suited up for the big swing. The instructor told us to stand on these planks of wood that stretched out of of the main platform about three feet. As the Instructor handed me the swing rope he said “Lean back little so it doesn't pull you of the edge”. All I could muster was a slight nod and something that sounded like a cat choking on a furball. As he waited I could hear my heartbeat, and it felt like it was coming from my toes. I Leaned back and rested against the pillar of wood like I had just run a twenty miler . I could almost hear everybody making bets on what kind of grease spot I would make on the ground. Then something hit me, no not physically, but I remembered on our way here the two instructors talking. They were saying that you should jump sideways not forward I figured that I should listen, It might even save me from being grease spot in the shape of a overgrown orangutan. The sharp “GO!” shifted me back to reality, I leaped of the edge like I was leaping of the edge of a building, time seemed to slow, and then I was ten feet from the ground, nine feet, eight feet, and then… whoosh! I was swung forty feet in the air at fifty miles per hour swinging back and forth. Climbing up the wall and almost jumping to my death had been worth it, all along. It felt good swinging back and forth at high velocity, with the wind rippling through my hair. Somewhere fifteen feet from the earth my stomach and fear waited for me, as I descended a ladder helped me back down to the ground.
Even though I wasn't swinging anymore didn't mean that my legs would stop shaking, I almost fell over when I touched solid ground again. After I made it to my friends I started to feel good about doing the Giant swing.
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