“Now WHAT?! You want me to go find out where the other team’s base is? That probably means you want me outta here, right? But OK, I’ll do it.” I said trying not to let my voice break like glass.
“You are REALLY gonna do that? I mean, I thought you didn’t want to.” said the person who was telling me to go on the mission.
“Well, I mean, I didn’t want to do it, but you’re forcing it, so I’m going.” I said very lazily.
Without another word, I grabbed my nerf gun and some bullets and headed out as silent as the wind could be. I kept moaning to myself, why do I HAVE to do this. Nothing interesting, just have to find the base. But as I slowly creeped down the outside corridor, something caught my sight: it was the door leading right to the garage! Cherry on top of the cake, the garage led to the elevator!
Right then and there, a thought came into my mind, the thought that if I went up the elevator, I would end up in the elevator room, which would give me access into all the building’s other rooms, like the gym and also the movie room, in which was most likely their base.Now I have to get back quickly to base, so I finally began slowly creeping back down the cold stone stairway.
As I was getting nearer the end of the outside corridor connecting the enormous pool and the other elevator room I heard the sound. Thump, thump, thump. Suddenly after that I heard a very loud scream that was no good for me. “Someone was here! Whoever it is, get him and bring him back here!!” Panic came into my mind as suddenly as the shout had itself.
Scrap, I thought as I heard the scream. I have to go rushing back to base, or else I will literally be crushed… or shot to death, I thought. But while I was thinking I totally didn’t notice that I was almost back to my team’s base. Oh my god, why am I going down the ramp, not the staircase; the only thing I can do is jump over the stuff, it’s my only chance, I thought.
After jumping a lot of stuff, like bushes and handles, I made it back to my base shaking like a dog when it is scared.
“So, I know where the base is, but plan first. The first part is pretty obvious and on the open, the outside corridor, but that leads us to the garage in which they won’t see us coming through, then we get to the elevator that will lead us up into the elevator room. As we all know, the elevator room gains us access to every single room in the building, like the gym, but that’s not their base, but it also gains you access to the movie room and the tennis court. Exit plan later.”
Next thing, we walked up the stairway onto the outside corridor, them, looking in every direction to see any danger. I was just normally walking up until the garage. We nervously went up the elevator into enemy ground, not knowing the nervousness would soon fade like a fire. The place was lid up by sunlight, with a glass table in the middle, and a big, elegant glass light fixture.
“You haven’t told us yet where the base is. What we do know is that it is around here”
“My friends the enemy base is a big dark and lonely place, filled with chairs, and by the way, that’s why it is called their secret base. The MOVIE ROOM!”
At that moment on every step we took was taken as carefully as possible. There it was, the big white door leading into the enemy base. Then I saw it...I realized we would need something called a tag, which was a round, little blue thing used for opening doors.
“Anyone has a tag? We’ll need that to get into the base and invade.”
“I have one, but it sometimes gets little crappy or it doesn’t work very well. Let’s hope it works this time.”
As silent as a snake, we go into the enemy fortress and a nerf gun sound flows through the air like the wind. That was it, the sound of them preparing to come get us, but before they could reach a step, someone shot a nerf bullet. The other team noticed it, and before we could blink they were there, ready to attack. At least five minutes later, a lot of shooting later, me and my teammates were flying out of the base. Suddenly something caught my arm: it was one of the enemies. I broke free from his grip, but then he charged up his nerf gun and pointed it right at my chest
“Aren’t you going to shoot me. You have the gun, or are you scared of hurting me?”
“No I’m not scared of hurting you”
About a minute had passed until he finally shot me but missed. It was barely that his bullet missed my chest, only because I slided to the right. After that I began rushing as fast as I could. This time I took the easy way, down the stairs I waited less than one minute until I was back inside the base.
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