About the wagon on the Oregon Trail on the wagon the was a hoop that stretched over the wagon from one side of the wagon to the other. There were also things called drawstrings and if you pulled them they could stop rain or wind from coming in. The cloth was called canvas they rubbed it with oil to make it waterproof. Today people can still see the marks the wagons made. They were built to keep there luggage in.
These are marks left from the oregon trails wagon
They would send messages to the wagon behind to tell them what they were in for. The wagons would leave at about seven o’clock. After five or six months they traveled about 12 thousand miles. The best place to sleep was under the stars. In 1843 the oregon trail started. 300,000 people on the oregon trail. Oregon Trail was the longest of the great over routes in the Westward Expansion. Went through 5 current states.
They left a lot of stuff behind but the only ones I could find where an accordion, Tobacco, and a watch. They mostly ate biscuits,dried fruits, crackers, beans, eggs,bacon, dried meat, potatoes, cornmeal, rice, flour, coffee. Chores they did skinned animals,milked cows, fetched water,watched the cattle, cook the food, washed dishes.
Thanks for reading and once again if you think a 1 hour or 2 hour car drive is long remember the Oregon Trail which was a couple year long wagon ride.
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